We are incredibly grateful that this day has come but we understand fully that Uveitis is a roller coaster with lots of ups and downs. So today, we are cautiously optimistic and will celebrate all victories, big and small!
An update on Bella: On a routine urinalysis, it was discovered that Bella has been leaking protein into her urine. This is called Nephritis. She had a renal biopsy on April 30th to try to learn what was causing this condition, but they only found "minor inflammation", yet no underlying cause for this condition. Today, Daddy has her at the nephrologist to learn how we move forward with this diagnosis. Leaking protein, in a nutshell, means that your kidneys aren't doing their job at filtering properly. Allowing this to persist could cause long term kidney damage or failure. So we need to figure out a plan, or a "watch & wait" tactic and monitor her. Getting the news of having second child with health issues was not what we wanted to hear, but with all that we've dealt with with Lucianna, we got our game face on, and prepared ourselves for battle!
Lucianna and Bella's proud Mama