Juvenile Rheumatoid Arthritis, JRA, is a long term (chronic) autoimmune disease, there is no cure. It affects 1 in 1,000 children per year. Though its name is similar to that of adult arthritis, it is not the same. An autoimmune disorder means that the body mistakenly identifies some of its own cells and tissues as foreign. Normally, the immune system fights off harmful, foreign substances such as bacteria or viruses. With JRA, the immune system attacks healthy cells and tissues. The result is inflammation -- marked by redness, heat, pain, and swelling. There is no single test to identify JRA but a series of tests and persistent arthritis in one or more joints for at least 6 weeks or more. There are 3 main subtypes.

Researchers don't know exactly why the immune system goes awry in children with JRA. They suspect that it's a two-step process. First, something in a child's genetic makeup gives them a tendency to develop JRA. Then an environmental factor, such as a virus, triggers the development of JRA. Some of the complications with JRA are abnormal development (legs of different lengths, joint damage and serious eye disorders). Some of the eye conditions can cause irreversible damage and if not cared for, can lead to vision loss and blindness.

Treatment for this condition varies from child to child but typical treatment includes medicines and exercise, (when NOT in a flare up). The medicines vary, some are considered safe, some of the more intense medications have not been around long enough to know if they cause any long term damage. Some of the medications also cause alarming side affects that could be worse than JRA in the long run. They also can have a negative effect on the immune systems causing children not be able to fight off otherwise non-serious illnesses. While many children will one day achieve remission, some never do and spend a lifetime trying to manage this disease. It is not known why some children do well with treatment and some do not.

No child should have to suffer with this disease. All kids should have active fulfilling childhoods without chronic pain.

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