The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides."
- Audrey Hepburn
Hi everyone,
Well today was Lucianna's weekly follow-up appt to check the progress of her eye inflammation's response to the steroid drops. I was hoping we'd hear that she could discontinue the use of the drops today, but that wasn't the case. We've been trying to ween her off the drops and up until today, it had been going very well - but today's appt was not good news. Her left eye is not improving as much as the doctors would like to see and they want to increase her dosage again in that eye and see her back on Friday for another check-up and an eye pressure test. I am worried about the length of time that we've had to use the steroid eye drops since the risk of prolonged use is cataracts and glaucoma. It's very scary and frustrating to think that our treatment options can cause the same outcome as the Uveitis - which is compromised vision. I guess we're on a roller coaster ride again. Boy, I hate roller coasters...the ups and downs are mentally exhausting. That said, I will not allow this disease to compromise her eye sight. It simply is NOT an option.
Bella was in the doctors today and has Strep. When it rains, it pours. I think Daddy is ready to keel over from all the running around with doctors appts and two very whinny children.
Send positive vibes this way. I will keep the blog updated once her appt on Friday is over.
Lucianna's Proud Mama
Friday, October 19th at 10:30am - Her appointment today went very well! She has just a few "cells" in her left eye and the right eye still looks good. We were able decrease her steroid dose again and don't have to go back for a week and half! WOW! Next appt. 10/29.
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