Dear Friends and Family,

On October 15th, Lucianna was seen at the Wilmer Eye Institute at Johns Hopkins for a routine eye check up. Unfortunately, her eyes were not completely quiet as we'd hoped they would be. She has some minor inflammation in her stubborn left eye. The doctor opted to keep her Methotrexate on the current dose (which is the maximum for her size), and put her back on the Pred Forte steroid drops. (~Sad face ~ drops are not the ideal here, but we have little options.) The doctor wants to see her back in 2 months, so approximately mid-December. I personally think this is a long time to wait for a recheck.
That all said, Lucianna has been complaining of eye pain on and off for the last week and half. After trying some lubricating allergy drops to see if that helped (in case it's just allergy eyes), we have decided to get her into a local ophthalmologist to see if anything beyond a few trace inflammation cells is occurring. Our appt is tomorrow; ironically enough, it's also Halloween. Lucianna is very excited to be "Anna from Frozen" for Halloween. My friend Stephanie graciously offered to make her costume and an Elsa costume for Bella. Lucianna's face beams every time she puts her costume on. After her appt tomorrow, I will update this post as soon as I am able.
Keep your fingers crossed for her. We are hoping for a "quiet" Halloween, or at a minimum, no increase in inflammation since her last visit. :)
Lucianna's proud Mama
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